Leadlight and Stained Glass Repairs and Restorations
We offer a full leadlight repair and restoration service, ranging from small repairs which can be carried out on site, to full re leading of windows which have significant damage including broken glass, bowing, cracked lead and broken painted pieces.
We have extensive experience working on a range of restoration projects both domestic and ecclesiastic including restoring 24 badly bowing windows in Gosford Uniting Church and work on domestic projects in Concord West, Brighton le Sands and Neutral Bay, Sydney.
As good as new
If a leadlight needs re leading it is carefully removed from it’s frame, taken to the studio where it is measured, photographed and a rubbing is taken, any broken glass is noted along with the sizes of lead. The rubbing acts as a guide when putting the window back together, ensuring it will fit back into the existing frame and line up with any surrounding leadlights. Any broken pieces of glass are matched with greatest of care, preferably with an exact match, however some old glass is no longer made so a new restoration glass will be sourced. It is most important to us to get as close a match as possible. The leadlight is then carefully taken apart and cleaned of the old cement and years of built up grime. If there are any broken painted pieces of glass they will now be replaced by hand painting a matching piece of glass and firing it in the kiln.
The window is then re built with the rubbing as a pattern using new lead, incorporating strengthening copper strips to reinforce the leadlight to help prevent future damage. The windows are then soldered and further strengthened and weather proofed using a leadlight cement. Polishing the lead with a black patina is the final process before reinstallation.
See our work
Make an enquiry for Leadlight Stained Glass Repairs
Please include sizes and some description of ideas and whether the window is ground floor or higher.
If you like you can upload photos of inspiration or windows you’d like to match.